Maggie's journal. (;

By expressyourself

the devil in disguise.

Sure, this little toddler looks cute.. on the outside.
you were deceived by the looks of the devil's spawn.

..nah, I kid, I kid.. sorta..
Sammi, my little sister, is the cutest kid alive.
she was getting ready to go to the open house at her school she was forced to go to after 10:30 mass.

that was SUCH a drag. I hate the school, honestly, but some of the teachers that work there make my life.

it was interesting, seeing people come into the school, not only for tours for the open house, but for the free bagels the parent club provided. -_-

but yeah, I was a waitress, apparently. or a server, I should say. putting butter and cream cheese on everyone's bagel. -.-

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