Life Well Lived

By RodenSarah

Daddy-daughter date

Will and Ava spent a fabulous day together that included donuts for breakfast, a visit to the Children's Museum, lunch at Frank's and a visit to Grandad's to see him and play with her cousins, Wren & Jane. Ava was one worn out girl by the end of the day. Zoe was off romping in the woods at the ranch with the Brooke girls. Although, she enjoyed having Daddy all to herself for a day, Ava missed Zoe dearly by the end of the night. Ava spent this morning making a pop-up book that she wrote and illustrated for her sister. It is so cute!

I stayed home for some much needed post-op rest. It has been two weeks and I am feeling much better. I still don't have my energy back though. I stayed in bed and took it easy for the first 8-10 days. But, once school started on Monday, I pretty much resumed normal duty. Will has been amazing and incredibly helpful. I hope to be fully back to normal at the end of this week. I really needed this weekend to rest and be ready for the full craziness of our normal routine. I am off to chill on the couch for a while.

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