Who knew?

By InOtherNews

Is it a lake?

Is it? You decide.

I was going to shoot Poacher again today, but just heading home I spotted this image. Now confident in manual and using Rob's advice I managed to capture this.

I really wanna start writing a bit more. I tend to stick to football stuff, but I just don't seem to be able to conjur up any enthusiasm to write anything else. I need a muse.

Spent most of last night watching football and From Dusk Til Dawn. Today I intended to go to Gainsborough and visit a mate, then out with the camera. One flat battery and a lack of motivation saw that the furthest I ventured was to get some motion lotion for the motor.

Crawley Town have drawn Man Utd in the FA Cup and everyone thinks it's great a little non league team have drawn the big boys. It's not. Steve Evans, the Crawley manager is a crook and a conman. He was found guilty of tax evasion and his actions (along with the board) saw Boston United demoted out of the football league. Now I dislike Boston, but I detest Steve Evans. I hope united score ten past them and Evans gets the sack.

I saw my mate the other day in his new car. The front grill was covered in blood, sticks and leaves. I flagged him down and asked what happened. "I just ran Steve Evans over" was the reply. I was astounded, and asked about the twigs and leaves. "I had to chase the **** through the park first".

It's one of my favourites, and perhaps one of the less offensive ones I could have relayed.

I'm seriously toying with the idea of giving up smoking. I may start tomorrow, or may just hold off until we get light nights and a chance for me to head out with the camera rather than sitting in smoking lazily.

I've just seen Claudia Winkleman on TV, and I'm not sure what purpose she serves. Is she a presenter? Is she a woman? Is she even real? She looks like a mannequin that's been splashed with orange paint. Actually thinking about it I accidentally turned on T4 earlier, no wonder our kids are the worst in Europe. They have a programme called 'Tool Academy' on there. I forsee a 'Celebrity Tool Academy' coming on TV soon to give Callum Best, Paul Danan, Peter Andre and the other vaccuous so called 'celebrities' a chance to demonstrate what little talent they actually have. I can't stand people who's only claim to fame is by being famous. They don't sing competently, act convincingly or anything, but they rock up on these god awful shows and convince the viewer they are someone. You know who is someone? Bruce Parry. He'll be exploring the wilds of the Arctic Circle tonight in a sympathetic and open manner, assessing the impacts of cultural change on the indingenous people whilst fully respecting their age old customs.

Meanwhile over on Moron TV a chubby cokehead who appears in OK!, Hello and TwatTV magazine everyweek will be attempting to digest a live mealworm with two gurning Geordies squeek and squeal like four year olds into the camera. Probably. Either that or that old female doctor who isn't a doctor will be sticking lollipop sticks in little microwavable tubs of your faeces, whilst remarking (and this shocks me) that your defacation smells. Amazing stuff, a real insight.

I think I'd rather watch a programme that doesn't tell me something I can experience in my own bathroom on a daily basis (hourly if it was a heavy night out).

Tell you what I do like though: Judge Judy. She doesn't pull any punches that woman. God bless America for doing TV properly. (excluding Glee, which literally makes my teeth itch with irritation.)

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