Andy's Photo Journal

By andmoff

Ben Vuirich

Headed up to Pitlochry on Friday evening to go to the clubs Burn's Supper. On the Saturday a few of us headed up to Ben Vuirich from the Kirkmichael road side. On the way up we passed this wee lochan. Curiously it's only about the size of an olympic swimming pool and it has a boat house, a bit bizarre. We headed up to the summit (just behind that white peak to the top left of shot) and then onto the summit. As always the clag came in just as we summited. We mooched about for an hour on the summit and eventually it cleared giving us great views of Beinn a' Ghlo. Managed to get down in good time, had a pint in the pub in Moulin (I can really recommend the pub, great beer and two log fires.) before heading back for the Burns Supper. Another great day in the hills.

Thanks to everybody that popped in a left a message on my two years anniversary, much appreciated.

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