
By dogwithnobrain

The One Thing That Turns the Grey Sky to Blue....

Happy Welding, Ruari and Louise.

This was a beautiful occassion, and a strange one for me.

I worked beside Ruari for four fun filled years. Ruari was like a puppy - completely adorable to have around, and I still miss his enthusiasm for life, and love and all things out door.

He and the lovely Louise have been together for ages, and he proposed last year, at the top of Goatfell, in Arran.

Now they are living the "Good Life" now -on a converted farm, where, it would appear from Ruari's tales, he is cultivating the land and making good an orchard, and making happy some ex-factory farmed Chickens.

Their wedding looks like it has been the perfect day - the bride in Scarlet and white, and the groom in full highland attire. It was beautiful - very very lovely.

Tonight was the first time since I left that world, 19 months ago, that I was going to be seeing all these people again. I have kept in touch with the adorable and gorgeous Andrea, (We had dinner last week), but I haven't seen anyone else.

It was quite overwhelming the warmth of welcome I got from everyone. So much so that I felt quite awkward. Everyone was so happy to see me, and vocally so, and it was lovely to be amongst them again. I'm so glad I met them all and worked with them for the time I did. I've moved on now, but I know that they will always be my friends.

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