Club 107

By club107

Wildlife running amok in the dining room

Of all the exciting household chores, I think the one which gives me the most pleasure, especially once done is window cleaning. Living in an often dark environment where the sun skirts the horizon in the depths of winter, I am obsessed with getting as much light into the house as is possible.

So today another reason for the children to dance and clap simultaneously, tears flowing from their eyes, while I finally cleaned the windows, only 10 months after they were put in. Yes 10 months and only the rain to keep them clean, pretty shabby. Now however I can pretend it is always this good, until the next rain.

Meanwhile preparations are afoot, erm yes there is a reason for window cleaning, for tomorrow's first birthday celebration of number 1 son, the day itself a year ago so clearly etched in my memory I can remember more about it than I can of last week, zoiks!

Here we have an elephant as guest on a birthday cake made for us by an exceptionally talented friend, zebra, tiger and giraffe in attendance. Now I know what Tony Hart felt like.

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