In Tru Life

By TruLife

My Cheeky Wee Monkey!

Floriana has found something... her temper! Grr! That's me, not her. She is more like aaaaaaaarrrgggggggg mmmmmmmaaaaaaaaaaaaa arrrrggggggggg! She has started to throw herself to the floor or do "liquid baby" you know where toddlers just go floppy and collapse, whenever she can't have something she wants! The arching of the back is also a skill she's mastering, and she is only 13 months! Oh dear I have my work cut out again, but I guess it's hereditary! Lol

On the plus side, she's cute, cheeky, sweet, very very loving, and really bright. I love how she babbles away saying sounds like gubbidygubbidygubbidygubbidy and gubbilagubbilugubbilagubbila at super fast speed! With some words thrown in like mum, dad, baby, woof woof etc. As a blip baby she is also able to scroll through the photos on my camera which I think is pretty clever!

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