RW's Daily Exposures

By rwsphotography

Cactus Bloom Discarded

Wooooo Whooooo! Leica turned to Meica (or Micro). I have a new Nikkor 105 Micro lens. I've decided I need to pull out my primes and start using them. As soon as I did, I realized I needed a good macro lens to fill in one of the gaps in my stable. This lens is not good, it's great. I'm still learning how to use it and interpret an aperture of f90! Somehow this lens automatically sets the aperture to get the best light on your close-up subject. When I saw f90 in my viewfinder I started to freak. However, after a little reading and playing, I started to understand what this meant.

A Backblip today.

This is a discarded Christmas Cactus bloom. I love the colors. Posted as shot with the exception of a square crop (about 10x magnification from original). The Nikon D3 was set to "vivid" for color rendering inside camera.

D3, Nikon 105mm f2.8 miro, f45, 1/200th, ISO 6400, distance from subject: 330mm

Enjoy and have a great weekend. I'll be playing...

PS - does this count for the weekly challenge or am I completely out of sync?

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