Pictorial Allsorts

By calvininjax

Palm Tree & Wire

A strange day today, with my mind in a whirr looking at different Wordpress templates and not really being able to make up my mind which one to go for. I was originally going to pay for one of the Premium Wordpress templates. I have looked at two that caught my eye -- one is $50 and the other is $35 -- but I have a feeling they may be a little over the top for my needs. But will my needs change?

Like I say, I couldn't seem to come up with a strategy and then it was time for the household chores. It was a positive bleachfest this afternoon, as I tackled all the bathrooms.

And then it was time to get out for today's blip. I was going to reprise a shot I took a couple of weeks ago and did so. But as I was walking back home, this barbed wire against the azure sky caught my attention and then I searched round to make it a little more interesting and the palm tree came into view.

Again I was tempted to present it in B&W but I think the barbed wire stands out better in colour. And I also know a lot of people would give their left arm to have blue sky at this time of year.

Have a good weekend, y'all!

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