Davids Photos

By davyatsea

We Must Be Mad....

to do what we've done today.

Yesterday at Emma's ante-natal check up at the hospital, she was asked if we've tried any of the old wives tales to help bring on labour. Pretending to be naive, I said I had no idea what the consultant was talking about.

So, after giving myself a day off, we headed down to Fareham for a spot of lunch. Curry was the food of choice, with an 'all inclusive' Indian buffet for £6.99 a head. Full up from lunch we drove back over the hill to grab todays blip. I've been there a few times before, but I love the ever changing light that you get up there.

We then had a look in Homebase at some paint for the dining room. I've had the urge to hack off some old wallpaper and redecorate, so guess what....

Steam stripper in hand and we've made amazing progress in getting the paper off. We even had a helping hand from Olivers friend Zak and his brother Max. I've got the urge to carry on tonight but Oliver's in bed upstairs and it has taken a while to get onto here.

Still, there'e plenty of time over the weekend. Fingers crossed, I wont need too much polyfilla, and can progress onto the painting. I'll keep you all updated on progress over the weekend..

For those who like it large....HERE!!!

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