Linda's Blips

By Enya


Busy day again....I haven't knitted for years yet I am on my fifth jumper since just before Christmas....and a sixth waiting. I think I will have a long rest from it for another ten years and become obsessed with something else!.
On Friday I stay with a friends mother who has memory problems she is ninety three. Thursdays I visit a friend in Preston who is also ninety three and I play Bridge on a Tuesday with two ladies who are also in their nineties. There seems to be a pattern here. Still I have friends in their thirties so everything is evened out. I hope I can still play Bridge when I'm ninety....I may have just about learned how to do it my me a few decades to achieve their standard.
Off to the Friends of Palestine Quiz night with friends C and V tonight. I hope they are good at answering questions..............may get a few rows done when I get home......

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