All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

My black eye!

I had quite a few photos I could have used for todays blip but as a few people have asked to see my black eye, here it is! For some reason it doesn't look as vibrant in the photo as it does in real life, but believe me, it really is colourful!

We went to visit another windmill today and got to go inside to have a look around this time. It also has a science museum attached to it with a kiddies section so we took Ethan there. He loved playing with the kids stuff and looking in the "funny mirrors"! After that we went round the local castle and a museum all about life in the city through the ages. I'm quite into that sort of thing but hubbie isn't. So he had a wander downstairs then waited there with Ethan while I went upstairs (no lifts and Ethan had fallen asleep in pushchair so we didn't want to wake him by moving him).

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