Sea Glass Stacks...

We invented a game called Sea Glass Stacks at the weekend. It's an evolution of last summer's invented game of Black Stone.

First you need to get a wee collection of sea glass which can be obtained from a beach. I believe some beaches are better than others, we found a small beach at North Queensferry that was quite bounteous in the stuff.

Next, get dice (die, for the pendantics out there). Players take turns to throw the dice and the number on the dice is the number of pieces of sea glass that must be stacked. If the stack falls during your turn, you get all the pieces that were in the stack. The next player then starts a new stack with the roll of the die. Person with the least amount of glass when all the glass has been stacked, is the winner.

The difficulty can be lowered for all or certain players by making 4, 5 and 6 on the die correspond to 1, 2 or 3 pieces respectively.

[c](c) 2011 Family Tractor Factory[/c]

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