Dave's Views

By davethespoon


Working from home I managed to escape the computer for a short walk this afternoon. Another grey ol' day, not sure what to blip, I thought I'd walk and see what caught my eye. In the end I nearly trod on them, the first snowdrops I've seen this year, quite unexpected in the woods. But there they were, pushing their way up through the leaf litter into the light.

Later on my way back I came across a much larger patch just appearing through the leaves. With a few more mild days they should be looking gorgeous. Made a mental note to go back next week and check out their progress.

Isabelle told me yesterday about a project she's doing (she's studying Conservation Biology and Ecology) which is all about noticing the arrival of spring. Between now and Easter they have to notice and record the change of the season. This involves making the same walk once a week with extra attention on seasonal changes. Buds bursting open, wild flowers reappearing, different insects and birds and their behaviours. I like this Thoreau like absorption into nature and her seasons and I'm looking forward to brighter days and observing the approach of spring.

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