With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

It's very cold, though it doesn't look it!

Bad ISO I think, as I had been messing about shooting Orisit's youngest in the car, trying to get her to smile. No time for blipping much today as I ran up and down the road this morning shuffling Ben into school WITH his coat (another long story, but involved a bit of a cold walk for him and being late, and hopefully a lesson learned - and no, not shouty mum, but patient, tolerant and loving - no, it doesn't work!)

Then I nipped off to Son Llatzer for another X-ray on their oh-so-hard bed. (I swear it hurts more now than before when I get under that machine, the cold from the stainless steel seems to connect right through to my nuts and bolts inside! Ow.)

Back to school for exam marking, more peroxide exploits with year 10 and a jolly chat with my Blipmate, who had to stay a bit longer than I did.

This is the 5 o'clock shadow, but the other side (not exactly scientists!) of the equinox.

I finally got shots from the weekend onto the blog thingy, but not without problems. Nice horsies though.

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