Through the window.......

............I can see them. They know I'm taking photos but don't care. In fact since J turned 7, he can't hear me anymore. I've spoken to other parents with boys the same age and they all say this is the case with them also.

I'll say "J.......can you drink up your need to drink/ put your socks on" and he'll give me that glaikit (thanks again drcraig for bringing that word back to my attention) look, smile and continue not drinking his water....... or not putting his socks on.

....there are obviously far more important things to be thinking, if you cycle over a dead mouse it's guts will come skooshing out (that's a real topic we've covered several times and his friend thought was 'cool') or who you're going to call poo head next.

I don't know when I'll take a good picture again.

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