Who knew?

By InOtherNews

Stair Well 2?

Really hurried blip today, briefly snapped this in a local car park and then processed it nice and heavily a moment ago to add spicy colour and striking lines.

EDIT: Posted this and realised I'd gone with the berries near the sign you're about to read I erected. Oops. Oh well, I'll put the other on flickr

I'm finding it really hard to blip at the minute. Time is against me and thinking of a fresh idea is hard. I've seen the Cathedral from loads of angles, but can't keep blipping the same magnificent building. I know my passion will reignite soon though.

Lets focus on a positive or two. City won last night 2-1 at Cheltenham which has lifted us off the bottom and out of the relegation spots. The signs are we are going to make a fight of it. I know this will soft but when I heard our second goal go in (Radio Lincolnshires live commentary helped me out) I felt a massive rush of emotion. That goal has given us 3pts and as it went in I felt as if we had just turned the corner - I believe now we will stay up and kick on next season. I haven't cried much through happiness in my life, its not an action I associate with joy. However as Josh O'Keefe blasted a 25 yard drive into the home team net I could have shed a tear if I'd really tried. GET IN.

I had a meeting with a big client today, potential of £25,000 business over the next year. After that I was asked to get out of my suit, into my scruffs and erect a fifteen foot sign at our training facility. I checked the roles expected of a Training Advisor / Sales Rep / Marketing Assistant and I didn't find 'ruin your only suit doing a manual task you have no expereience of before'.

I finished the day writing our diversity policy. I didn't read a disclaimer saying 'guys who possess a bit of intellect will be forced to do manual labour for the amusement of REAL men'. Appaerently a real man drives diggers and talks in the crudest terms about women.

Better get Andy Gray on a digger course.

For the benefit on my overseas subscribers, Andy Gray is an ex Football player who for the last twenty years has been the voice of Skys football coverage. This week he was sacked for making sexist comments about a female official. By 'football' I mean 'football' as well, not the American game that involves lots of cuddling men, wearing more body armour than a policeman and throwing an egg shaped baloon about.

When I said I had a possible trip to Bury this weekend it wasn't 'on a promise' as some thought (you know who you are!!!). The reason I said 'possibly' is because I have less money than Peter Shilton (another football player, this time one that earned 125 caps for England but is now bankrupt and has to sell his stories about conceding weak goals in the 1990 World Cup Semi Final for £500 a time). I haven't got hold of my friend yet so might be having a weekend celebrating Lincolns win over Port Vale........

Lots of football references tonight, sorry. I don't really know much about anything else. I

Tomorrow I promise a half decent blip. I promise. I also promise an amusing story without a single football reference. In fact I'll let you choose your story. You can have either:

a: A gambling story in which I lose and then someting terrible befalls the person who beats me (amusement rating 6/10)

b: A gambling story that involves vast amounts of money, foriegn soil and defeat snatched from the jaws of victory (rated 7/10)

c: Another story from the infamous toothbrush festival that doesn't involve bums or cameras (it has to be an 8/10)

Get voting in the comments :-)

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