A Growing Shrub...

By albush

I Made It! (and a mess)

Well, thats it. My blip birthday. Something that started out as a way to try and use my camera more often, then turned into something I would try and keep up for a month. 100 blips later, no gaps, not out..

I went to almost every shop in Edinburgh this afternoon looking for alpha-bits for my blip today, but alas, all could get was Thomas the Tank or Beauty and the Beast bits. In the end, I had to settle for standard spaghetti hoops.

Thank you very much to all those who have taken a moment out of their day to look at my life.

(my fellow blipper flatmate walked in half way through this exercise and wondered why I had not put the spaghetti hoops onto something, rather than the kitchen surface...I think really just wanted to make a mess!)

Its her blipday too!

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