Mrs Evil Goat

By MrsEvilgoat

Dad and Hat

First day back at work after one month - ouch! Spent the day catching up on gossip - everyone is getting married! Four people from our department set for this year and another for next year - that's quarter of our department! All women so lots of squealing and excitement. Yay - I love weddings.

Jack and Lime are both looking really well - can't wait to get out for a ride this weekend. Mum and Dad came round this evening to bring the Pegster back (she wasn't very excited to see us) with a big shepherds pie and apple crumble so we didn't have to cook which was nice. Dad here is modelling his new Chile wool hat. We had lots of laughs over dinner as Mum told us that Dad had said to her the other day that she had a husband with a "very vulnerable leg"!

Off to do yet another load of washing and catch up on some sleep.

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