Me and Max

By grete

Impression Sunrise. Or. Serious Payback Time

Impression Sunrise:

Sun up: 8.45
Me up: 7.45
What could be better than heading for the sea to see the sun...

Serious Payback Time:

I got there just a bit late. Had wanted the first beams, but alas.
(Note: The sun is like the bus, and waits for no one.)

I walked, no ran, from parking place. Spotted two ladies as silhouettes in the distance, feeding birds, walking dogs.
(Note: Always be open. You never know what might turn up.)

The ladies were already done, and on their way back.
(Note: Instead of swearing, use words like sugarplumfairy.)

Removed heavy rucksack containing tripod, and placed it on ground.
(Note: NEVER NEVER remove rucksack and leave on ground when dogs are around.)

The smallest of the five dogs ran straight at me, started jumping and barking and whateverhaveyou, then spotted my rucksack, lifted one leg, and started it´s business.
(Note: Instead of swear words use this: sugarplumfairy)
(Bonus Note: Always be open. You never know what might happen.)

(Note: UGH!)

Tried to be friendly to lady when she went over to help me remove as much as possible with snow.
(Note: In these circumstances, think, think, fast, fast! What can you ask, no demand!, as a payment?)

- May I ask you to pay for this?
(Note: Hahaha, did you notice her expression?)

- Could you please pose for me, just over there, where you came from?
(Note: Okay, enough fun, enough looking through the photos, enough writing. Now its time to wash that rucksack....)

(Note: How to wash dog pee from rucksack? Any suggestions?)

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