Tales from the Old Mills

By Oldmills

Oh, The Horror....

...up at stupid o clock, just to get stuck in purgatorial traffic on the way to Embra airport, picking up SamIams Septic Girlfiend, C.

Home. Breakfast. Tantallon Castle. Home again. Lunch. Back to Embra on the choo-choo, to meet DaveH, Meles, MrSmith, and MaiT.

There was drink involved, but no slapping.


And if MrSmith pisses and cries vinegar about the dinner I bought him, then he can go'an shite. (I am learning the native tongue)

Meles and I are about to embark on a genealogical treasurehunt.

Didnt understand a single word DaveH said, but I nodded and "yah'd" politely nonetheless.

Was too drunk by the time of Maits arrival to get all meaningful and bondy, but the impression left was of an exceptional individual.

I may have tried to hijack the homebound train, but only in a jolly-japes kind of way, really, officer, you can lower the gun.....

And finally, I would like to thank Her Majesty, The Queen, for her hospitality, and compliment her progressive stance on the provision of WiFi in her beautifully appointed cells.....

Cant wait for the next time.

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