School Day Haze

I'm on, what could be called nothing less than, a cocktail of drugs. Apparently my back is experiencing stress and duress. Thankfully they've encouraged rest and exercise! Not normal exercise. Exercise at a more gentle pace. So I ran on the treadmill tonight. Short run. Apparently my back is still tense.

Now I'm listening to Hope. Holding hope I'm my heart for a change in the tide of the way we treat each other. I just love the POTUS. And that Scranton just got mentioned in the SOTU. If only Michael Scott or Dwight had as well.

5 Things

1) Semester started today and I made it! J drove me and picked me up. So I felt like a baby, but I made it!
2) Got hired for an 8 hour a week job, a little lead on a blog writing job, just 12 more hours to fill. Anyone with leads in Boston shout out!!!
3) A great State of the Union address.
4) A healing back.
5) Provisional generosity of the ones we love. Particularly as I am frantically looking for a job timely generosity is saving us in ways people could never know.

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