
By dailykeith

In a spin

This is a candle-holder sans candle and I decided to blip it because, by losing myself in its patterns, I was able to enjoy a few moments of serenity after another relentless, crazy, stressful day.

And, yes, I was still able to meditate on it despite the remains of umpteen wax candles.

It's hard to put across exactly how it feels to have the mental controls switched to 'full on' from 8am to 7pm with barely a single second to relax.

It slowly numbs the grey matter and, as the day goes on, you have to try harder and harder to keep your concentration and not make mistakes. Not easy and not always successful.

Anyway, I did consider blipping my new gym gear because I'm sitting here wearing a new tee-shirt and drill top, plus new trainers.

You may ask why. Well, it's because I'm breaking them in so that I don't look like a 'New Year resolution newbie' when I go to the gym for the first time next week!

See what the job is doing to me?!

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