Country File

By marypot

Welcome Isaac :)

I met our friends Trudie and Jason's new baby for the first time today. Isaac was born last Friday morning - hard to believe he is only 4 days old as he is quite a big boy and already holding his head up and turning it around. Trudie looks amazing, doesn't she, with that wonderful New Mum glow? Isaac is GORGEOUS and I have to admit to having had a few minutes of broodiness as I held him - until I recalled being up once again overnight seeing to my 14 month old; the amount of money it costs to keep two toddlers fed and clothed; the amount of energy it takes to placate two of them, especially when they both kick off at the same time; and also the the fact that I am getting a little bit past it now ;) Isaac is little boy number 4 for Trudie and Jason, who confirmed that 5-a-side jokes have become way too common over the past few days.

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