Fancy Lampost

In search of a change of scene today, I ventured out on a whim to North Berwick, that seaside town in Edinburgh's well heeled commuter belt.
Had I known beforehand that that was where my fancy would take me, I would have
contacted Samiam and we could have arranged a meet up.

As it was, I wandered solitary and alone around the harbour, a place that fascinates me even though I don't have one seafaring bone in my body. There is always an intriguing amount of colourful clutter on the quayside and an array of boats jostling for position in the harbour. Today with the tide out, they were marooned rather drunkenly in the mud.

The wind was bitingly cold at the shore, but the drizzle, which had accompanied me all the way from the city, stopped and a weak watery sun appeared just in time for me to head back home.

His Lordship has just informed me, no doubt from a stint on Google, that a contributory factor to getting Plantar Fasciitis is being overweight.

So that's the cause then, no matter that it started with the heavy boxes of books which I carried during our removal. A bit of tact might have made the pill a bit easier to swallow though, don't you think.
He certainly doesn't miss and hit the wall!

EDIT: I've changed my blip when it was pointed out to me that I had omitted to change my aperture from the landscape one and it was all a bit blurry.

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