
By lukeit

Urban planning China style

don't let your stare linger only on the four buildings in the front...

Look in the background and count the cranes (also the many more you don't see, but I assure you are there) each of them is a new 40 stories building with at least 320 apartments each

This is a common view in Shanghai not only in the suburbs but downtown also; hundred of new edifices popping up daily like mushrooms after a shower.
Each will house thousand of people and each of them will be "old" in a couple of years when newly built buildings will be erected nearby.

The logic behind it is as simple as it can be; so much painstakingly straightforward to be stupid: the city needs houses, we build houses! fullstop!
No second thoughts, no moral, environmental, psychological involvement or motivation to drive this choice.

That's also China and this is what the world is chasing after and drooling over.

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