
What a difference a week makes. Well, it's only actually been 4 days of work due to the frost putting a halt to things for a few days.

Quite exciting now that things are starting to take shape. I'm wondering how long it will be before they knock through into the house, eek what a mess that will cause.

Kerr spent the day with Gran and Grandpa while I was at work. He has figured out where they keep the biscuit tin (in a low down kitchen cupboard) and the cheeky monkey pinched a biscuit for him and one for Lucy this morning! Apparently they both came wandering through to the play room armed with a biscuit each! Gran confiscated the biscuits as they were about to have their lunch, and Kerr went back and helped himself to another - wee rascal. I think Gran and Grandpa need to find a higher hiding place for treats.

Fudge was out for a long walk with Grandpa today when he hurt his paw :-(. He is limping quite badly on it, so tonight I took him to the vet. £52 later he has been given an antibiotic injection to prevent infection, and 14 days supply of pain killers. Vet thinks he may have stood on something sharp which caused him to go over on his paw and sprain it. Poor wee soul. He has to get a sock on his leg tonight and rest for 2 days.

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