The (not so) quiet life

By Abikaty

Just Call Me Angel

It was parent contact morning for Minion number one at the nursery. She is usually (relatively) well behaved when out in public so I wasn't too worried that I was about to be hit with a list of misdameanours that would shame your average member of the cabinet. However, I was not prepared for the report I got. The words "wonderful", "charming" and "perfect" were used more than once in the 20 minute meeting. Minion number one, it would appear, is a joy to teach. It actually got to the stage I was slightly concerned she was talking about a different child. But it is lovely to hear nice things being said about your child so I didn't tell the teacher about her fondness for profanity, laissez faire attitude to tidiness, tendency to scrap with Minion number three and outrageous cheek and just basked in the reflected glory.

Seconds after this was taken she threw a cupful of water in my face. Oh well, at least she knows how to behave in public.

The other news is that Minion number two is walking. She has been taking a steps for a few weeks but she is now actually choosing to walk rather than crawl. Not long before I'll be able to turf her out to run free with the rest of Satans Minions.

Quote of the day: "We're having a party at nursery tomorrow because some guy died". Minion number ones take on Burns Night

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