The Meldrum Michies

By meldrummichies

*My* Seat

I bought this wee chair from Ikea years ago (at least five years ago because we only had one child). Originally it was meant to be in the back bedroom, which was then an office/library. But then husband needed it to be just an office so it was carted up to the loft. Baby Ella was born and it was put in to her room as a nursing chair for night-time feeds. It stayed there for a wee while, until it became surplus to requirements and was again sent to the loft.

After a brief soujourn chez the Reid hoose, it came home. I have always wanted a chair in my kitchen; a place to sit and peruse magazines and recipe books, write my lists and perhaps the next Great British novel...or just a wee space that was mine. The kids have a playroom; husband has an office and the ubiquitous shed and I have a chair in the corner of the kitchen. *My* chair. My space.

So get your bum off it.

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