
Today is definitely better than yesterday.

In a routine visit for a yearly medical MOT, there was good news on the blood pressure front and I discovered I had grown half an inch since the last time I was measured. Something tells me this cannot be, but it made me a much more acceptable height.

I requested silence on my weight and didn't look at the scales. This was so that my blood pressure didn't take a running jump when the needle shot off the scale, but I got the drift though when the nurse asked me if I ate healthily.

That remark can be taken in too ways: I chose to take it that she meant did I have a healthy appetite and the answer was a 'yes'.
But the writing is on the wall - I will have to forgo a few 'treats if I'm to recover the svelte body of yesteryear.

The visit to my friend of many talents this afternoon had me amazed at her radical change of hairstyle and colour. She looked about twenty years younger and very svelte and glamorous. I was envious.

We put the world to rights as usual and our partners in their places while enjoying a cup of coffee and a nibble....... a rich tea biscuit, don't you know....... that should pass muster with the nurse, I think.

His Lordship likens us to two witches over a cauldron. If only we had the relevant spells , he would have to be very worried.

A quick visit to the land of flowers resulted in this cock mooning at me as I hung over the rails of his domestic family enclosure.

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