Looking up, looking down

By Eagleheart


Lovely monday. No it's never! But this was better than normal o.o

Back to routine I guess. It's a good thing.I love weekends, but I wouldn't like them so much without these normal days, because these normal days makes weekends special 8) Yeah, I try to look always on the bright side! Even though sometimes that bright side is hard to find. But it's there. You know, looking life with positive attitude makes it better too. :) At least it works for me!

That building in a photo is a church from Koski Tl, the town where my school is too. I don't like that church so much, dunno why, but it looked cool in a fog so.. 8D

Photographing a church reminds me how I started in here!! But I like churches, can't explain why.. but I like them!

Massive Attack - Paradise Circus

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