
By Mimthing

Best laid plans

Today was going to be a Grannie day.
My daughter phoned yesterday to invite me over -or rather pose the question "when will we see you again" I feel a song coming on.

All dogs walked and birds fed by 11.30 so I set off with the thought lunch -noodle soup- in mind.
Everything changed when daughter phoned to ask if I'd received the message from my sister about hospital this afternoon. No message on my phone, not until 2.30!
Upshot, sis needed to be driven home after having a jab. No problem as they both live in same village so at least I was heading in the right direction.

On arrival at York hospital we thought it odd that so many people were exiting at once,
'twas the fire alarm causing such excitement.
Luckily no fire so we got done and back to have a moment with Layla and kids.

Perhaps sis and I might catch some proper time together sometime soon.

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