Country File

By marypot

Before the fall

We all went out for a walk today 'around the block' - it's a walk of around 4 miles, with a few steep hills along the way. Ophelia was asleep in the double buggy the whole time. Gracie did brilliantly! She walked on her own just over half the way round. Hubby and I were just saying how wonderfully she was doing, and how we should do this walk a lot more often, when poor Pie took a tumble. It looked like an innocuous enough fall, but when we picked her up, her face was covered in blood. She'd put a tooth through her lip, taking out a chunk of the lip in the process (thankfully the teeth look ok) and scratching a lot of skin too. Poor thing. She was so brave. We tried to take turns carrying her around, but it was taking too long, so we put her in the other side of the buggy and we ran some of the way back so we could get her cleaned up.

Tonight she seems a lot better, back to her giggly self. The fat lip has gone down so she can talk properly again, and the scratches are already healing up. The lip injury is another story. Do chunks from lips grow back ok?

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