By special request
Today being the last day of the 2011 challenge macro week, and macro being my favourite stand-by blip for cold or otherwise inclement days, here's a very small saucisson sec made to look normal size (actually 2.1cm across - and yes, that is the first time I've measured a sausage). For anyone interested in what kind it is (there are many) it's an espetec catalan, and is Conor's favourite lunchtime treat.
Very quiet lazy Sunday here. Mr B asked to borrow my camera to take some photos of birds in the garden (everything's gone crazy and spring like - except the temperatures - and the birds are all out squabbling over territory and 'chicks'). I readily agreed, presuming that the limitations of the 18-200mm would convince him that a decent telephoto would be a wise joint investment.... Sadly, his steady hands seem to have produced some rather fine shots of woodpeckers, thrushes and jays, so I may have to suck it up and earn the money myself for the long lens of my dreams.
The only other activities today have been making an iTunes playlist and 'helping' Katherine with a rag-rug kit she was bought for Christmas. It is rather fabulous actually, and although I'm pretending like I'm doing her a HUGE favour by helping do it, it's just my kind of thing. So, to the purchasing Aunty who will be reading this - ta, and keep those crafty presents coming!
Anyway, here's a sausage for a frenchy/irish bloke and I'm off now for a suitably lazy leftovers dinner (hurrah for overcatering).
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