
By Viewpoint

Time for lunch - Day 2

Spent a little time this morning choosing images for the Thurgoland Parish Website. In effect this folder is a kind of of long list from which the new website developers can choose images for the site. If I'd had my way we would have put together a Wordpress blog and saved the parish a lot of money. We could also have kept greater control of the site but I was over ruled and the `Engineer' won (it was a bit like that - I'm used to cooperating in projects so decided I was better off letting the `men' get on with it! Thus great expense and a long time has passed since the idea for a new website was first proposed. I am still trying to cooperate around the edges without getting too deeply involved.

Ate my second lunch out of the weekend today at Cannon Hall when I met up with my mum, dad and brother. I discovered my dad has a macro lens for his Olympus manual camera and the research I've been doing on the internet suggests that older manual lenses work very well with the Panasonic G1, so he's going to let me have it so I can experiment. A lens adapter will be a great deal cheaper than a new macro lens.

The next instalment of our lunchtime conversation led me to thinking about the macro possibilities of my compact Panasonic TZ3 and so I set about photographing objects on the table. Results are very promising - I cropped the above image down to 1600 pixels wide ( though I usually resize down rather than crop when adding images to blip).

I've really enjoyed the 2011 Challenge this week, I think `macro' is definitely my thing - I'm not too sure how I'll get on with the next challenge which is `tired'. It will be good to see what ideas other people have on this theme.

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