Pieces of a Jigsaw Puzzle

By szahra

200 blips

I wrote a detailed writeup explaining my emotions on my 200th blip, but the connection timed out and I lost everything. I am in no mood to re-write what I wrote,

I will just say that I love being on blip and interacting from people from all over the world. One of the most consistent thing I have ever done with full dedication and for the next 165 blips, I will add a walk challenge. I will walk for the sake of exercise for atleast 30 minutes daily for the next 165 days :)

I will also replicate what I said on my 101st blip:

My blip journey has been amazing. I have met some amazing people and learnt so many new things. The most important thing that I have learnt through blip is that friendship knows no boundaries, race, religion, difference of thoughts and ideologies ... friendship is universal ...

P.S. Could not find a better (more creative) idea for the 200th blip, hence the blip is what you see.

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