Crisp Morning

Despite the floods all around our town, I still love waking up to the sound of rain and the crispness of the morning after a lovely couple hours of rain! I woke up to this this morning at 05:00 and decided to capture it in the poolroom window, from my bedroom window! The few white lines reflecting in the window is indeed rain falling from the roof! Just note the wet paving and street! Woohoo!! Luvvvvv it!

Btw, I am blipping a bit 'late' for yesterday, and I promise, I woke up to more or less the very same sight this morning!! B-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l!!

According to the news there are new dramas of floods elsewhere, right across the country, but we are very fortunate to be able to say we are still safe!

Hope you're having a great Sunday as well!

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