My Life In Photos.

By vicky1972

Apple crackle

Hi all

Im a little late with my blip today and really dont know if i have picked the right one. I was washing the grapes and thought of water drops again but didnt like how it looked, so tried this with the apple with the flash off, looks very different and a little like smoke.

Its been a long day as we had to get an ambulance out for Thomas lastnight well 2am as he was having breathing difficulties, tturns out he had bad croup, so mummy was pretty worried and scared for her little lad. Hes got some steroids to take so hope with in the next few day he will be back to his normal self.

Ive made Olivias birthday cake for tomorrow, not the best but its ok. Im sure it may feature in tomorrows blip with the birthday girl.

Well i hope i picked ok with my blip and hope your all having a wonderful weekend.

Thanks for passing by.

Vicky. xxxx

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