Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

There's just not enough honesty...

... Which feels as though I should be grumping about something.

I'm not. (Though I do think you can't have too much honesty).

It's another quick roadside blip I'm afraid. I'm not finding it easy to find blip time.

I wanted to call this image 'empty promises', but the logical person who shares my World pointed out that no one would understand that, because the plant isn't called 'promises'. (Sometimes logic doesn't get poetic license!)

Anyway, sincere thanks to all who wished the appendix victim well from yesterday! He's doing well but is still in hospital so we're we're still 'Florencing' (in the Nightingale sense). So I still have little time for catching up with blipping. Soon!

Honesty is apparently also known as moonwort.

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