Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

One Month into Winter

I can hardly believe that we are almost in the middle of winter and at mid-day our temperature was 77 degrees F. Our friends in the Midwest and East Coast are under inches feet of snow. Some are experiencing below zero degrees.

We've often heard people say that California has no seasons. Honestly that is not true. We have summer, summer, and summer. NO! Really we do get a bull blast of spring and summer can be intense, autumn comes late, but winter seldom arrives. Actually I'd like to have some winter -- the fireplace roaring, hot beverage, and snuggling are enjoyable.

It's 48 degrees as I type. So the logs are burning in the fireplace, but I'm wearing flip-flops and short pants.

But at noon today, I put on my swimsuit, turned on the spa, and enjoyed the sun. Chloe loves kicking-back in the sunlight. So the two of us enjoyed a little summer mixed into our January. Crazy!

Good night from Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

P.S. I am finding it almost impossible to keep up with my blip commenting and I am spending more time than I can spare playing in Blipland. I just can't keep up. I love wandering through everyone's journals. So I apologize if I haven't commented on yours lately. Give me time I'll get there. ;-)

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