GAD's 365


River Tyne - Newcastle and Gateshead

Another really nice sky this evening and unlike last night, I had a little time to take some pics. A few to choose from but this one seemed to have a lot of interesting stuff in it.

One annoyance is that I hadn't noticed a smudge on the lens that appeared on nearly every picture I took. :(

Big thumbs up to the parking warden who didn't give me a ticket when he realised I'd just stopped to take some pictures for a minute. What a nice man.

In other news: Long day at work. I'm used to finishing early on a Friday but i don't count 6.00 o'clock as early. I'm also likely to be back in the office at the weekend. This is not good! Do I sacrifice a lie tomorrow morning and go in normal time in the hope that I'll be done by lunch or do I preserve my well earned lie in? Hmmm

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