
By lifeandstuff


"At different states in our lives, the signs of love may vary: dependence, attraction, contentment, worry, loyalty, grief, but at the heart, the source is always the same. Human beings have the rare capacity to connect with each other, against all odds."

A client brought this in to work for me today. Very nice it was of her too, but people think I like rubber ducks. I was bought one a few years back. a tartan one, which my best friend since childhood thought was the "perfect Christmas present for me" I am still to work out why she thought that. I decided that I had no use for him than to photograph him for a whole year, and give her the photograph album for the following Christmas. He went all over the world, I bought him a little case and even a little Christmas tree. I filled an album up with photos of him in Turkey, Italy, spain, Edinburgh, everywhere. I used to carry him in my bag. Since then, people think I love ducks, and the more people give me, the more people buy them. I have lots in my bathroom now, so when people come round they think "oooh she likes ducks" and buy me more. I dont dislike them particularly, I mean no offence to rubber duck lovers, I dont hate them or anything....just don't them...... phew. There, Ive admitted it. :D

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