And yet more rain

My garden is loving the rain.

I've been a bit sore and achy, so the rain has been good at keeping me inside, relaxing on the couch.

I'm ready for more sun now, please!

A and D came over to look at my spare room this morning. I haven't heard back yet, so am thinking I probably won't have a new flatmate. Oh well, c'est la vie. =)

Then I went up to Loburn and got the lovely Lenci. We all went for a soggy walk and then came home and chilled out. Listening to music, scrapbooking and drinking coffee. Aaaah.

A quick supermarket shop ensued and then Rae brought round fish and chips for tea.

A few glasses of wine and American Idol later, I went to bed and slept all night. No tremors during the night. Yay.


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