As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

If You Think The Music's Too Loud...


What a great day.

I had the scholar-athlete breakfast this morning. I got to miss some of first period to eat free bagels and hang out. I got a pin, too. Kenny explained another one of his theories... If he was a little less....I can't think of a good word but if he were a little less _______ than more people would actually take interest. He just kind of shouts and throws out random information that doesn't really matter to a ninth grade student...and he keeps talking about how he's proving famous scientists wrong.

In global, we all planned to stand up when our teacher said "folks" and we would only sit down again once he said "folks" a second time. But, of course, he chooses today to never say that word. Not even once! Usually, he says it 30-40 times each class. One day, we're going to do Harry Potter Puppet's going to be great.

We had an intense G.O. (general organization) meeting after school today. G.O. is kind of like student government. Our advisor, Ms. C, talked about how she was getting kind of mad because we weren't doing all that she had expected. She gave us a great pep-talk and we answered some questions about ourselves, the club, and our involvement in the club. I think from now on, G.O. will be doing a whole lot more. :)

RELIGION!!!!! Last year, around this time, I became a teacher aide for first grade religion. That's when I first met Jill. She was the other TA in the class and had done the first session as well. She gave me the low-down on the kids and I soon realized that she was a really cool person (I almost typed cat). We became as good of friends as a senior and an eight grader could be considering we only saw eachother once a week. I enjoed my time TA-ing with Jill and I hope she did too. But now to today...

I started TA-ing again today. I originally was going to be a floater, filling in wherever I was needed. But thankfully, I got put into the best class ever. The teachers are Maureen and Kate (two juniors) and the other TA's are Dianna and Brenna (two sophmores). I know these kids through school and this seems like an amazing class. The kids are....a little troublesome...but they're SO CUTE!!! I'm looking forward to spending my Thursday afternoons with these CoolCats (Cool Catechists) and TA's. :D Oh, and Jenn's there too but she's not in the cool class....

On Tuesday, I got a letter from the school saying that they would like me and my family to come to the board meeting tonight to recognize my musical accomplishments. Of course, they only did this so that the parent's would come to the board meeting...but I went and got a nice certificate after listening to a boring meeting for an hour. All of the teachers were there in their gray polos showing "Unity and Solidarity" because thay don't have a contract. Jasmina and Grady spoke about school and G.O. events. Pshh we're totally working on spirit week.......

Now, science research kids may sound like hardworking and dedicated students, but in all honesty, it takes a lot to get them going. However, when it comes to non-essential things, such as making t-shirts for the Rube Goldberg competition, they're right on top of things. Kate made up the shirts after yesterday's meeting. The title and first line are what is on the shirt because our theme is music. Although the design is subject to change, I think most of the group will agree with the saying.

This is a picture my dad took (That explains the quality (or lack of)).

Word of the Day: Grangerize - To add to the visual content of a book by inserting images not included in the original volume, often by mutilating other books

^Something to do with Hermione Granger?

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