
By Fisherking

.....Pictures at an exhibition...

These are 5 of the pictuires from the pub quiz picture round many can you name?

Have spent today in the delights of the British Health System, beginning with a phone call to my own GP this morning.
Hello, can I book an appointment for today with Dr H please?

Sorry, he's not in today.

Well can I have an appointment with Dr C please?

Sorry she's full up for the day

Ok, do you do telephone consultations?

Certainly, what's it about?

I think I might have gout so I need to arrange a blood test for Uric acid.

Why do you think you've got gout?

Well, my foot is very swollen, especially a couple of the joints, my wife is a BUPA nurse and she's looked up the symptoms and mine all match and a friend of mine suffers from it and he says it sounds like a classic case.

Sorry we can't do phone consults for things like that. You can have an appointment next week.

But by then the swelling will have gone because I'm treating it with anti-inflammatories and rest.

Sorry. You could go to the walk-in clinic and tell them we sent you to see a doctor.

Ok thankyou.

So off I went to the clinic...............
Good afternoon, I'd like to see a doctor please.

You can see a nurse.

Ah well, you see, my GP surgery sent me down here to see a doctor becuase I have suspected gout, they can't see me and I can't get a blood test without a doctor's diagnosis.

This is a walk-in clinic, you walked in so you have to see a nurse, if they think you're bad enough they'll send you to see a doctor. Take a seat.

Five minute wait then called to the nurse
Explained the problem with the foot.

Hmmm, I'm not sure, I'll have to send you to one of my colleagues Go back to the waiting room and take a seat.

5 minute wait then called through....explain it all again.

Ok I can prescribe you some anti-inflammatory drugs

I don't need them, I'm treating it all ready. I need a doctor to confirm that it is gout so I can get a blood test done.

Oooh, I don't think you're ill enough to need a doctor, go to your own GP for that.
I tried that and they can't see me until next week so they sent me here.

Oh, well, would you like me to prescribe these drugs for you?

The converstion went backwards and forwards until she said,

Tell you what, have this prescription, take these drugs and I'll put in my notes that I think you might have gout, and recommend that your GP arranges a blood test. Then next week, say about Tuesday, you make a routine appointment with your GP and when you see him mention this visit and my notes and then he should fix up for you to have a blood test!

So my foot is nearly better, I have to take some drugs to replace the drugs that were already working, then I have to "con" my doctor witha routine appointment for nothing, then hi-jack him into fixing up a blood test, then go back on another day to have the blood test, then wait 5 days and ring for the results and if they show Uric acid I have to ring the GP for an appointment to prescribe drugs to control the problem.

You couldn't make it up!

Back to work tomorrow.

The quiz pictures are
1 Will Smith
2. Bucks Fizz
3. Wyatt Earp
4. Zara Phillips
5. Jenny Bond

Das vidanya my friends.

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