I have a confession

Ok, people of blip.

I feel I need to be serious tonight (like I never being serious, oh lord). I have done so much thinking today and I have decided to tell you guys "my secret".

I have had, in a grown up age, the diagnose ADHD. That is the "investigation" thing I went thru a couple of month ago, that is why I was home that week etc etc (or two weeks I i recall correct). I have done some serious work inside and I have decided not to be silent about it. It might be people out there who NEED to hear this in order to get the power to do something about themselves or just read about someone with the same issue (if it is an issue and not a blessing)

Anyhow. A year ago I phoned the place for grown up bla bla and said: - Hello, my name is Annelie and I am almost sure I have ADHD. The woman in the other end started to giggle a bit coz I guess it aint so often someone call like that. Normally a doc or the work or whatever send people to this place but me, Annelie aint like others. I KNEW something was "wrong". So, I met a doctor who did like a small test in order to see if I should do the investigation. In the end he laughed nicely and said there is no doubt in his mind that i should do it (he never seen anyone be so fast writing down the answers in the paper he gave me).

The month went by and things happened so I lost my place in the line etc but finally i met the psychologist who did the tests.I can tell you it was hard, I was exhausted and it took the whole week.

Before christmas she was done and finally i had the result. There is no doubt I have ADHD, i was correct about my self.

So, here I am now. I am still the same Annelie. I am still the same person who cant organize a shit, who cant keep things in order, who interrupt people when they speak, who has the fastest mind on earth, who can hold at least 3-4 thoughts in the head in the same time but just for a little while before the chaos start and I forget all about it. Who can start cook dinner and forget i am coz i had to check the email or answer the phone, who get distracted if someone interrupt or speaking close to me (It MIGHT be something interesting) (haha). The list is long, be so sure.

In the same time i am very empathic, very intuitive, emotional, can "see" things, walking my own way, devoted, creative and much more. I have realized I am pretty proud of being me. It have taken me a while to understand my self and it is a progress, always in process.

I´m not sure what to write more. A part of me is a little nervous some of you will look differently at me now but if that is the case, i cant do much about it. I NEED to be honest, it is in my soul somehow.

I havent write a single word of what I planned to write. I am exhausted now and i miss the arms of my love who is a rock, my very own rock and soulmate. I cant love him more. He is so cool about it all and i guess he loves me even more now as well..

Well, I give you this photo, where you can see straight into my eyes. It might not be a good photo but it is the most honest photo i can produce tonight...


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