From Dawn to...

By DawnCHS

999 Lets be having you!

(Say it quicky, its where the policeman lives)

That was a joke my brother used to tell (constantly) when he was young. That is the same brother who called police officer-coppers as he was not sure what they were really!

I was thinking about him today when I went to the police station to talk about demonstrations and street theatre. He got into a lot of trouble when he was growing up, and often ended up at the police station.

We have not spoken for more than three years; I have no idea where he lives or what he is doing. Sometimes I miss him, he is my little brother, but he broke all ties with us here, and that is his right I suppose.

Todays blip is quite heavily edited in PS. It was a fabulous blue sky when I took the shot, but I wanted a dark background to reflect my mood.

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