Lisa and the Boys

By narabug

Horsey Horsey

Horsey, horsey
Don't you stop
Just let your feet go
Clippitty-clippitty clop
Your tail goes swish
And the wheels go round
Giddy up we're homeward bound!

This wasn't my intended blip today! In fact, I went out for a walk in a vain attempt to really tire out Ewan who desperately needed a nap but was refusing to go to sleep. On the way I saw some interesting fungi and thought it would make a great addition to the 2011 macro challenge, except none of the shots were quite right and seeing it in such detail also grossed me out a bit!

I took some other photos because I loved the textures, tones and lighting, but when I looked at them on the computer it just had to be this one!

I don't know very much about equines at all, but I think this might be a fairly young horse?

Anyway, we had a good walk and Ewan enjoyed stroking a couple of the horses who came to say hello to us!

Thank you very much for getting my blip yesterday into the spotlight, and for all your wonderful ratings and comments! Today my eyes look nothing like that, because something I've neglected to mention above is that I'm allergic to horses. So it's a good job I can touch-type and I just hope that what I'm typing is correct, because I can't see to read it with my red, swollen, watery, jelly-like eyes! (But it doesn't stop me thinking how very beautiful horses really are!)

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