Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

"The Hat"

Okay, here's "the hat" without a head. Hopefully, I'll get the nerve soon to pose wearing the hat.

It was one week ago today when I walked by the antique store in Ventura and this hat was displayed on a hat rack just inside the door. I couldn't keep going. I said to Mr. Fun, "Hey, I'll catch-up with you in just a minute, I've got to stop and look at something."

I was in the store with the hat in my hand, then on my head, and standing in front of a mirror all in a moment's notice. Then I spotted the ladies across the store and behind the counter and kind of sheepishly said to them, "I'm a sucker for hats!"

The owner of that section of the store walked over and said, "This is my station, and that's a lovely riding hat. Do you ride often?"

"Uh, no," I confessed, "but I think I could wear it without a horse beneath me."

I'll make you a good deal on it!"

"Really?" my interest increasing. "How much?"

"I'll knock $10 off," she replied.

"Okay, well, my husband is down the street waiting for me to join him for lunch, so I'll ask him what he thinks."

Then she told me that if I should come back when she was not there, just to tell the clerk the offer she had made me and they'd drop the price $10.

Over lunch I discussed the hat with Mr. Fun. Without a doubt he thought I should get it. Then I had second thoughts. I really didn't need another hat. We didn't go back for the hat.

The next day we drove past the store, walked past on Friday, and then on Saturday we went in for the purchase.

So in the next few days, sometime, I'll put on a black dress and my new black hat (wish I had a black horse). If we were doing "Blip-together" or "Life.turns" I'd have no problem posing with my hat. So why am I getting all self-conscious? I have no idea.

Hey, thanks for the nice comments yesterday. I am so glad I captured the moon then because the moon appeared an hour later today and it was much darker and impossible to capture with my P&S.

And I woke this morning feeling much better. Last night I felt like I had a wisdom tooth trying to make an appearance and I'm sure I had my wisdom teeth all removed years ago. I'm entirely beyond the age of dealing with wisdom teeth.

Good night from Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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