
Hibernation pod



And tomorrow I won't venture on the other side of this door for any reason.

Arctic plunge

I toyed with the idea of surprising the Boston blipmeeters this Saturday but heard they're having a foot of snow on Friday which could mean I'd be blipmeeting myself and no one else. Next time.

Watched 'Inception' tonight. Ehhh, mehh, hmm, nyyy...okay, just okay. Music is beautiful, Leo isn't my favorite. Great concept, great special effects, editor tried to dumb it down. I did, after a while grasp the idea that the 'attackers' were 'projections', not real. Why was 'The Matrix' so much better? Can you say KR in a loooong black leather coat? Yeah yeah CM too, I guess. Seriously though, some good mindless fun.

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